ECNV Honors Leeann Alberts for Dedicated Service with Special Thank You Lunch

Originally Published in June, ECNV 2024 Newsletter

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On Friday, May 31st, a Thank You Lunch was held to honor Leeann Alberts for her dedicated service on the ECNV Board. The luncheon was attended by immediate past Board Chairperson Leeann Alberts, current Board Chairperson Susan Picerno, and Executive Director Dominique Dunford-Lack. During the lunch, a service award was presented to Leeann Alberts in recognition of her outstanding contributions and leadership as a Board member and Chairperson from January 2020 to January 2024.


Publicado originalmente en junio, Boletín ECNV 2024

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El viernes 31 de mayo se llevó a cabo un almuerzo de agradecimiento en honor a Leeann Alberts por su dedicado servicio en la Junta de ECNV. Al almuerzo asistieron la anterior presidenta de la Junta, Leeann Alberts, la actual presidenta de la Junta, Susan Picerno, y la directora ejecutiva, Dominique Dunford-Lack. Durante el almuerzo, se entregó un premio al servicio a Leeann Alberts en reconocimiento a sus destacadas contribuciones y liderazgo como miembro de la Junta y Presidenta desde enero de 2020 hasta enero de 2024.


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