Acceptance: The Pride of Being Different
This fact sheet focuses on the importance of acceptance in the process of adapting to significant changes due to health diagnoses, disabilities, or challenging personal situations. It discusses how the conscious and voluntary acceptance of a situation can facilitate a healthy emotional and practical adjustment, allowing individuals to manage their circumstances more effectively and with greater empathy.
Did you know?
Stages of Grief Post-Diagnosis: Grief can begin with shock and helplessness, followed by denial and the inability to believe what has happened, until reaching acceptance, where one learns to live with the new reality.
Importance of Acceptance: Accepting does not mean resigning but rather recognizing reality, allowing for a more adaptive and less resistant response to changes.
Confusion Between Acceptance and Resignation: Many people struggle with the idea that acceptance is synonymous with giving up when, in reality, it is a step toward active and healthy adaptation.
What you need to know
Language Rights: Immigrants have the right to receive information and communicate in their native language, which is crucial to fully understanding their rights and available options.
Available Resources: Numerous Spanish-language resources can help Latino immigrants navigate the process of acceptance and adaptation to new realities.
Community Support: It is essential to seek out and participate in support communities that can provide understanding and practical help during periods of transition.
Education on Rights and Resources: Knowing their rights and available resources can empower Latino immigrants to better manage their situation and seek help when needed.
More Resources
Psicologia y Mente:
The Endependence Center of Northen Virginia:
Fairfax County:
The main goal of ECNV's BIENVENIDOS project is to disseminate culturally and linguistically competent information to Latino residents of Virginia with disabilities, their families, and caregivers so they can gain equitable access to disability-related rigths, services, and opportunities. For more information, visit or contact us at or call (703) 525-3268.
Disclaimer: Funding for the Bienvenidos Todos project/product was supported, in part, by the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities, under grant number 2401VASCDD, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.