ECNV Around Town

Originally Published in July 2023, ECNV Newsletter

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By Rosalia Fajardo, Director of Multicultural Families

During April and May, ECNV shared information about our services and distributed COVID-19 test kits. We worked with other Alexandria human service organizations to support community cookouts at Ruby Tucker (4/25), Princess Square (4/27), Foxchase, (5/2), Casa Chirilagua (5/5), Brent Place (5/9), Southern Towers (5/11), Hill Wood (5/16), South Port Apartments (5/18), Adkins Housing (5/23), and Mt. Vernon Recreation Field (5/25).


Durante abril y mayo, ECNV compartió información sobre nuestros servicios y distribuyó kits de prueba de COVID-19. Trabajamos con otras organizaciones de servicios humanos de Alexandria para apoyar las comidas al aire libre comunitarias en Ruby Tucker (25/4), Princess Square (27/4), Foxchase (2/5), Casa Chirilagua (5/5), Brent Place (9/5 ), Southern Towers (5/11), Hill Wood (5/16), South Port Apartments (5/18), Adkins Housing (5/23) y Mt. Vernon Recreation Fields (5/25).


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