New Agents of Change Fellow, Emma Budway

Originally Published in May 2022, ECNV Newsletter

We're excited to introduce new Agents of Change Fellow!

Emma Budway is a 25-year-old unreliably speaking autistic who is passionate about advocating for equity and social justice issues. She is committed to making the world more accepting of the neurodiverse and advocating for inclusion of the non-speaking community. Emma believes that everyone should have access to opportunities for education, community, housing and employment that are foundational for a meaningful life. She encourages autistic self-advocates to push for fuller access and inclusion. Emma is featured in The Reason I Jump, an award-winning documentary about autism around the world. A recent focus of her experiential writings centers around her living a self-determined life in an inclusive, affordable and diverse community.

Emma is proud of her participation with seminars at George Washington University and the University of Virginia where she is able to share the lived experience of autism with undergraduate and graduate students. This fall will be her 6th semester.


New Trusted Disability Champion, Margarita Baquero


New Agents of Change Fellow, Teresa L. Champion