Vaccination Event at Brent Place in Alexandria

Originally Published in June 2022, ECNV Newsletter

On May 25, 2022, ECNV’s Trusted Disability Champions and staff attended another vaccination event at Brent Place.

More than 200 residents of Alexandria’s diverse communities including Latinos, Africans, and African Americans received valuable resources and information during the event. Trusted Disability Champions Margarita Baquero, Janeek Prince, and Chris Walker, helped staff distribute ECNV information, test kits, and goodie bags.


El 25 de mayo de 2022, los Campeones de Discapacidad de Confianza de ECNV y el personal asistieron a otro evento de vacunación en Brent Place.

Más de 200 residentes de las diversas comunidades de Alexandria, incluidos latinos, africanos y afroamericanos, recibieron valiosos recursos e información durante el evento. Los campeones de confianza en discapacidad Margarita Baquero, Janeek Prince y Chris Walker ayudaron al personal a distribuir información sobre ECNV, kits de prueba y bolsas de obsequios.


Alexandria Health Department Appreciation Cookout


Welcome to the ECNV Family, Intern, Angela Ramirez