2024 NCIL Conference

Originally Published in August, ECNV 2024 Newsletter

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On Monday,  July 22, 2024, Doris Ray, ECNV Director of Advocacy and Tony Coelho, the visionary architect of the Americans with Disabilities Act and former California US House of Representatives at the NCIL Conference in DC! #NCILConference2024


El lunes 22 de julio de 2024, Doris Ray, directora de defensa de derechos de ECNV, y Tony Coelho, el arquitecto visionario de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades y ex miembro de la Cámara de Representantes de California en los EE. UU., en la Conferencia NCIL en DC. #NCILConference2024


ECNV’s new Race to Rebuilding Trust and Community


Rosalia Presents at USAging Conference