ECNV Recruiting Mentors and Community Partners for RAMP

Originally Published in December 2022, ECNV Newsletter

By Kevina Brown, RAMP Program Coordinator

What’s New With RAMP?

ECNV’s pilot year for the Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) is underway!

RAMP is a career-focused mentoring program for students with disabilities funded through the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). ECNV received referrals from the Fairfax DARS office for students, aged 16-22, interested in participating in this program that will last through June 2023.

Meet the RAMP Program Coordinator

I am Kevina Brown, the RAMP Program Coordinator. I hold a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from Old Dominion University, and this is my first year with RAMP. I am excited to be a part of the program and working with youth & young adults has always been my passion.

Four fun facts about me:

  • I love Nature

  • I have one Puppy named Stoney

  • I am Family-Oriented (The Favorite Aunt)

  • I have never been outside of the United States

  • I got my Passport in April 2022

Student mentees are currently working with Kevina, individually, until they are matched with an appropriate volunteer mentor. The first phase of the program is focused on self-assessments and community mapping and the mentees are already homing in on their career interests as they learn more about themselves.

Student Mentee Career Interests:

  • Information Technology

  • Graphic Design

  • Auto Mechanic

  • Restaurant industry

  • Public Service

  • Animal/Vet Tech

  • Cloud Computing

  • Public Safety

  • Architecture

  • Baking Assistant

  • Video editing

  • Digital Art

  • Video Game Design

  • Musician

Kevina also meets weekly with the mentees as a group to help keep them on track and accountable with their goals. So far, they have identified goals such as:

  • Getting a Job

  • Graduating High School

  • Finishing my last College Semester Strong

  • Checking my email at least 3 times a day

  • Getting a Job while in high school

  • Learning more about my Chosen Career Path

During the program, students will continue to work on goal setting as well as community mapping, but will also start working on STEAM projects, workplace readiness skills development (such as mock interviews and resume building), and hands-on career exploration through activities such as worksite visits, guest speakers, internships, and job shadowing.

RAMP Invites You To Partner With Us!

We are looking forward to building strong relationships with our community partners to make this program a long-lasting success year after year. Specifically, we are looking for volunteer mentors to work directly with the students, guest speakers to talk about their careers/trade, employers to provide work-based experiences and internships, and/or sites that could provide a tour of their industry and a “day-in-the-life” type of presentation.

If you are interested in becoming a partner or learning more about the program, please scan the following QR code or contact the RAMP Program Coordinator, Kevina Brown at or call (703) 850-2226.


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