What’s New with RAMP?

By Kevina Brown, RAMP Program Coordinator

Originally Published January-February 2023, ECNV Newsletter

For those who don’t know, the Virginia Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) is a career-focused mentoring program for students with disabilities funded through the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS). ECNV received referrals from the Fairfax DARS office for students, aged 16-22, interested in participating in this program that is scheduled to last through June 2023.

During this pilot year, ECNV is working with 8 mentees actively participating in the program through a hybrid of virtual meetings via Zoom as well as in-person meetings at the Vienna Community Center. Phase One of the program focuses on Self-Exploration and Community Mapping. After working on self and career assessments, the mentees are now working on New Year goals, community mapping, and disability topics.

Student Goals this Year:

  • Get a job

  • Post daily on TikTok

  • Be nice to others

  • Finish my rough draft in English

  • Make more college friends & find love in 2023

  • Apply for a job before finishing high school

What’s Coming Up?

Towards the end of January, RAMP mentees are scheduled for a worksite visit at Enabled Intelligence, a local company that provides secure data labeling and data management for AI systems. Mentees will get a tour of the workplace as well as a presentation on Enabled Intelligence’s services, their workplace culture, and their day-to-day facilitation. They will also be able to hear stories from employees currently working in the field about their career journeys and their work responsibilities.

Mentees will continue to work on goal-setting as well as community mapping, but will also start working on STEAM projects, workplace readiness skills development (such as mock interviews and resume building), and hands-on career exploration through activities such as additional worksite visits, guest speakers, internships, and job shadowing.


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