Ruby Tucker Barbecue

Originally Published May 2023, ECNV Newsletter

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By Rosalia Fajardo, Director of Multicultural Families

Alexandria City began its Spring outreach activities with their traditional BBQ. ECNV participated in their community events which took place at the Ruby Tucker apartments and at Princess Square Apartments on April 27, 2023. There was entertainment, resources and of course the COVID-19 home test kits that ECNV distributes for free. About 500 people were at the event.


La ciudad de Alexandria comenzó sus actividades comunitarias de primavera con su barbacoa tradicional. ECNV participó en sus eventos comunitarios que se llevaron a cabo en los apartamentos Ruby Tucker y Princess Square Apartments el 27 de abril de 2023. Hubo entretenimiento, recursos y, por supuesto, los kits de prueba para el hogar de COVID-19 que ECNV distribuye de forma gratuita. Unas 500 personas asistieron al evento.


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