New Trusted Disability Champion, Jeremy Smith

Originally Published in May 2022, ECNV Newsletter

We're excited to introduce new Trusted Disability Champion!

Jeremy Smith is a native of Northern Virginia. He has a BA in Communication Studies from Gallaudet University. During his college career, Jeremy served as the vice president and president of a student disability organization and worked with the Office of Diversity and Equity for Students. Upon graduation, he interned with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD).

Jeremy served as a board member for four years at the Northern Virginia Deaf and Hard of Hearing Resource Center (NVRC). In 2020, he participated in Partners in Policy Making (PIP), a Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) initiative to learn how to advocate for people with disabilities. He is highly motivated to help people with disabilities improve their lives. His favorite hobbies are watching professional wrestling, video games, watching many sports, and being outdoors enjoying nature with his family and friends.


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