Why We Work for You

Originally Published in December 2022, ECNV Newsletter

We are fortunate, at ECNV, to be able to work with a team of dedicated advocates who every day, demonstrate their heartfelt commitment to help people with disabilities live the lives they choose. Knowing that we can make a difference, spurs us on to do even more. The testimony below is an example of why we think it is important to be here for everyone with disabilities.

Making the effort to reach folks from marginalized communities whose identities intersect with disabilities makes ECNV and the disability communities stronger. It is a reciprocal relationship. While we are helping Ursula find meaningful work, she is generously sharing with us a trove of resources she has meticulously gathered in her quest for services and support that will help her and her family survive and thrive. In turn, we have more information and resources to help individuals and families who rely on us for help.

“I have the opportunity to say a few words to you, Miss Fajardo. That day you answered my phone call, I was hopelessly walking with my physical pain and my heart was very heavy because I couldn't find an answer to my questions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for answering my call and making an appointment with me. Thank you for letting me know more about the ECNV program that you are a part of, I knew that there are professional people, leaders who work with heart who guide visitors to have confidence and hope with professionalism. Miss Fajardo, I sincerely appreciate the way you are guiding me and the time you took to make sure I feel comfortable and being bilingual gave me more comfort to express myself. I will continue advancing in my vocational rehabilitation by putting your advice into practice. Thank you for accepting to be my coach, it is a great impact on my life. I will remember your words when we said goodbye, 'Úrsula never turn off the light of your heart. Have faith we will work together to keep it lit and move forward!' Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023, to you Miss Fajardo and the ECNV Staff.” - Úrsula


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