What’s New with RAMP?

Originally Published May 2023, ECNV Newsletter

By Kevina Brown, RAMP Program Coordinator

The Virginia Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) is a career-focused mentoring program for students with disabilities, aged 14-22, funded through the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS).  The 8 students participating in this pilot year were referred by their DARS counselor from the Fairfax DARS office and have been busy learning about what careers they are interested in and what resources are out in their communities.

During Phase Two (Career Exploration), RAMP mentees learned more about workplace skills and expectations, such as professional dress, timeliness, and communication.  The mentees were also introduced to financial literacy and transitional planning.  They continued to work on goal setting and preparing for the job application process by building their resumes and by interviewing their own parents.  In addition, they had the opportunity to revisit the Workforce Innovation Skills Hub (WISH) Center located in Alexandria, Virginia, to learn about and participate in 3D Printing.

The RAMP mentees are currently in Phase Three of the program.  While some continue to work on learning more about the careers they have chosen to pursue and what they need to do to prepare for that career, others are still unsure about which career they see themselves in.  Either way, the mentees have been engaged and enjoy consistently learning more about different careers from guest speakers.

Although the mentees were not able to celebrate the end of Phase Two due to logistical constraints, they look forward to celebrating the end of both Phase Two and Phase Three of the program later this month!

What’s Coming Up?

Mentees are working hard on their Career (STEAM) Projects and continue to utilize the Pathful Explore platform for individualized sessions geared towards their career interests.  Phase Four of the program will focus on transition planning and exploring all the pieces needed to be successful when transitioning from high school, college, etc. 

Bob Sargent, Career and Outreach Specialist from the Adult and Community Education (ACE) Program will be leading a discussion on apprenticeships, scholarships, and post-secondary options on May 10th.

In June, mentees will visit George Mason University to tour the campus and learn about disability services and programs.

During the next couple of months prior to the end of the program, RAMP is also scheduling to have a few more guest speakers to discuss more about financial literacy, different trades, job readiness, and college, as well as to talk about employment opportunities.

[Images: (Left)  3D printing device is plugged into an electrical outlet; (Right) 2 mentees with their backs to the camera working in front of a computer screen to complete their original designs in the workroom at the WISH Center].


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