Sexual Victimization of I/DD Populations

Sexual Assault is a critical issue for the disability community, and particularly for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). While the statistics vary, people with I/DD are between 2-7 times more likely to be victims of sexual violence.

People with I/DD are more susceptible for many reasons. They are often more physically and financially dependent on others and more likely to be socially isolated, which increases risk. When the perpetrator is also the person who provides support, reporting the abuse can be nearly impossible. People with I/DD also often receive improper sex education — or none at all — and may have difficulty recognizing and reporting abuse. For people who use sign language or alternative and augmentative communication, typical systems to report abuse may not be accessible.

For more information about this issue and supporting research, read this blog on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Assault of People with I/DD by Naomi Hess, Office of Disability Services Innovation within ACL’s Administration on Disabilities




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