In Loving Memory of Collin Jacobs
In Loving Memory of Collin Jacobs: It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Collin Alexander Jacobs, of Woodbridge, Virginia...read more.
Collin Alexander Jacobs, smiling.

Disability Community Mourns the Loss of Ed Weiss
The passing of Ed Weiss, an ECNV employee, friend, and advocate to the disability community is a great loss for all of us who knew him.
Ed Weiss, pictured on his front porch

In Memoriam: Lenore McMullen Levin (February 15, 1957 – February 6, 2023)
ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia (ECNV) was saddened to learn of the recent passing of Lenore McMullen Levin, a leader in the Northern Virginia Disability Rights and Independent Living Movement.
Pink and violet roses in watercolor

ECNV Remembers Hale Zukas
Late last month, disability activist Hale Zukas passed away from heart failure.
Hale Zukas wearing a red sweater

ECNV Thanks Lois Curtis for Olmstead
Disabilities activist Lois Curtis died earlier this month on November 2, 2022.
Lois Curtis, outside and near a lake, painting a portrait of a puppy with a red collar.