"Our Voices, Our Future" Multilingual Learners Summit
On Thursday, August 8, 2024, ECNV, Bienvenidos and ADVC programs, participated in the "Our Voices, Our Future" Multilingual Learners Summit which was organized by Fairfax County Public Schools. The summit was a memorable experience for all who attended, where families from multicultural backgrounds attended. This event received both inspiring and impactful information and an extensive number of resources.
Dan Storck's Back to School Community Day
On Saturday, August 3, 2024 Supervisor Dan Storck’s Back to School Community Day, in partnership with Fairfax County, hosted a successful event at Lorton Community Center route one corridor. ECNV was a partner in this wonderful event!
ECNV’s I Am Self-Advocacy Program: Summer 2024 Program Recap!
[Image: Three circles overlapping each other with words Self Advocate in the center and words Motivated, Committed, and Passionate on each circle].
RAMP Update: September 2024
RAMP Update for September 2024.
Image: A group photo of RAMP mentors and students.
Bienvenidos Master
Below is a listing of articles related to the Bienvenidos Grant. You can also search for “bienvenidos” on our blog, or visit this tagged page for all recent articles.
ECNV is a proud recipient of 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award!
ECNV is a proud recipient of 2024 Immunization Neighborhood Champion Award from the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit!
Image: ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia spelled out, and below, simple ECNV logo on white set against a dark blue gradient background.
Regresando a Clases: Asegurando un Entorno Inclusivo y de Apoyo para Estudiantes con Discapacidades en Virginia
Con la llegada del nuevo año escolar, es crucial enfocarnos en la inclusividad y el apoyo para todos los estudiantes, especialmente aquellos con discapacidades. En Virginia, los estudiantes con discapacidades tienen derechos específicos que aseguran que su experiencia educativa sea tan enriquecedora como la de cualquier otro estudiante.
ECNV Presenting at NCIL
On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, our Executive Director, Dominique Dunford-Lack, and our Director of Disability Equity & Strategic Innovation, Cherie Takemoto, who sat on panels at the NCIL Conference. #ncilconference2024
Top: Dominique speaking at the "Recommitment to IL Values" panel, sitting beside her is the moderator; (bottom): Solomon Parker Director, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Strategy CareSource and Cherie Takeomoto posing for a photo after their panel.
ECNV’s new Race to Rebuilding Trust and Community
One of our newest projects at ECNV intends to attack racial inequity along with a significant, but often invisible group facing discrimination, stigma, and inequity: Arlingtonians with disabilities+ other marginalized BIPOC/immigrant/socioeconomic identities.
2024 NCIL Conference
On Monday, July 22, 2024, Doris Ray, ECNV Director of Advocacy and Tony Coelho, the visionary architect of the Americans with Disabilities Act and former California US House of Representatives at the NCIL Conference in DC!
Rosalia Presents at USAging Conference
July 8-11th, Rosalia Fajardo, presented for a panel at the USAging Conference on "Reaching Diverse and Hard-to-Reach Communities With Vaccinations" focusing on ACL's Vaccine Uptake Initiative.
Image: Rosalia posing for a group photo with other participants from the USAging Conference.
2024 NCIL Conference - Awards Luncheon
ECNV staff at the NCIL Conference, Tuesday, July 23, 2024. It is an empowering experience that reinforces our commitment to fostering an inclusive community. #ncilconference2024 #ECNV
Collage: Three different group photos of ECNV staff at the NCIL Awards Luncheon.
UnidosUS Conference
On July 15-17, 2024, ECNV's Director of Disability Equity Strategic Partnerships, Rosalia Fajardo attended UnidosUS, at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas!
Image: Rosalia Fajardo with Edgar Aranda from Meyer Foundation.
Empoderando a Todos los Ciudadanos: Entendiendo los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidades en Virginia
En Virginia, los derechos de las personas con discapacidades no son sólo una cuestión de política, sino un reflejo del compromiso del estado y de ECNV con la inclusión y la igualdad. Este artículo destaca cinco derechos críticos que protegen y empoderan a las personas con discapacidades en varios aspectos de la vida.
Entendiendo los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad en Virginia
Entendiendo los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad en VirginiaEn Virginia, las personas con discapacidades tienen derechos específicos diseñados para garantizar que tengan igualdad de oportunidades y estén protegidas contra la discriminación. Estos derechos abarcan varios aspectos de la vida cotidiana, como la participación en programas estatales, el empleo, la educación, el acceso a los espacios públicos y el transporte. A continuación, exploramos cinco derechos fundamentales que tienen las personas con discapacidades en Virginia.
Gráfica: Bienvenidos escrito verticalmente en texto negro en negrita. A la izquierda hay un texto blanco en negrita que dice: Proyecto Sabias Que? El fondo es un hombre hispano que viste un suéter amarillo y usa lenguaje de señas para hablar con alguien. La frente muestra una taza de café sobre una mesa de madera. En la parte inferior está el logo de ECNV.
New Laws Effective July 1st!
On July 1, 2024, several new laws went into effect, relating to persons with disabilities. They are as follows…
Image: A Statue of Lady Justice.
Organizadores Communitarios
El Proyecto Bienvenido se dedica a proporcionar información vital a las comunidades latinas en Virginia con discapacidades y sus familias, empoderándolas para que accedan a los derechos, servicios y oportunidades de las personas con discapacidades.
Margarita Goes to the White House!
On Tuesday 06/18/24, Margarita sat on the panel at the White House during the 25th anniversary of The Olmstead v. L.C. decision was a landmark ruling by the United States Supreme Court on June 22, 1999.
Margarita standing in front of The White House sign and American flag
RAMP Mini Update: July 2024
RAMP Mini Update for July 2024.
A group photo of RAMP students at Bowlero event.